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Deqa Sererastkirî ya her du Qanûnên Serokatiya Herêm û Serokatiya Civata Wezîran

 Bi navê xwedêyê mezin û dilovanBi navê gelCivata Nîştimanî ya KurdistanêLi gorî benda 1ê ya madeya 56 û madeya 53 ya qanûna jimare 1 ya sala 1992an ya sererastkirî û li ser raberkirina jimareya qanûna endamên Civata Nîştimanî ya Kurdistanê-Iraq, Civata Nîştimanî ya Kurdistanê roja 24.01.2006an biryara danîna vê qanûna li xwarê da:Qanûna Jimare (*) bo sala 2006Qanûna Sererastkirinê ya heftem a civata wezîran ya Herêma Kurdistanê-IraqJimare 3 bo sala 1992 ya sererastkirîMadeya Yekem1- Bi wê derxistina awarte ya sererastkirina yekem a madeya çarem ya qanûna Civata Wezîran ya Herêma Kurdistanê ya sererastkirî de mercê temen hatiye betalkirin. 2- Merc e ew kesê/a ku bo alîkarê/a postê wezaretê bê danîn bi kêmanî xwedî bawernameyeke seretayî ya zanîngehê be.Madeya Duyem: 1- Benda 1 ya madeya yekem ya qanûna sererastkirina pêncem ya qanûna civata wezîran tê sererastkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê tê xwendin:(Civat wekî bilindtirîn desthilata pêkanînê ya Herêm tê danîn û ji serok û cîgirê/a wî/wê pêk tê.)2-Benda 2 ya heman madeyê tê betalkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê cihê wê digire:(Serokê/a civata wezîran cîgirek divê.) 3- Benda heman madeyê tê betalkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê cihê wê digire:a-Serokê/a civata wezîran dikare hindek desthilatên xwe bide cigîrê/a xwe.b-Dema ku serokê/a civata wezîran ne amade bû cîgirê/a wî/wê dê cihê wî/wê bigire. 4- Benda 2 ya madeya heftem ya qanûnê tê sererastkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê tê xwendin:(Dema postê serok vala be cîgirê/a wî/wê kar û fermanên postê wî/wê dide ser milê xwe, ji bo meşandina kar û baran heta destnîşankirina serokekî/e nû di nava 15 rojan de û pêkanîna wezareteke nû.)Madeya Sêyem:Madeya nehem ya qanûna civata wezîran û tevahiya wan sererastkirinên ku tê de hatine kirin têne betalkirin û ev ya xwarê cihê wê digire.a- Civata wezîran ji van wezaretên xwarê bi xwe digire:1-Wezareta Navxweyî2- Wezareta Darayî û Aborî3- Wezareta Dadweriyê4-Wezareta Kar û barên Pêşmerge5- Wezareta Veguhastinê6- Wezareta Perwerde7- Wezareta Tenduristiyê8- Wezareta Kar û barên Komelayetî9-Wezareta Ewqaf û Karûbarên Dînî10- Wezareta Derametên Avî 11- Wezareta Avadankirin û Akincîkirinê12- Wezareta Plandananê13- Wezareta Mafên Mirovan14- Wezareta Xwendina Bilind û Lêkolînên Zanistî15-Wezareta Çandinê16-Wezareta Kar û barên Şehîdan û Enfalkiriyan17- Wezareta Rewşenbîriyê18- Wezareta Elektrîkê19- Wezareta Samanên Sirûştî20- Wezareta Bajarvaniyê21- Wezareta Werzîş û Gencan22- Wezareta Kar û barên Deverên li Derveyî Herêmê23- Wezareta Bazirganiyê24-Wezareta Pîşesaziyê25- Wezareta Jîngehê26- Wezareta Geşt û guzarê27-Wezareta Gihandinêb- Civata Wezîran dikare çend wezîrên Herêmê bi xwe ve bigireMadeya Çarem:Kar bi  tu deqan nayê kirin ku digel naveroka vê qanûnê negunce.Madeya Pêncem:Civata wezîran divê naveroka vê qanûnê bi cih bîne.Madeya Şeşem: Ev qanûna roja ku derbiçe dê bê cihanîn û di rojnameya fermî ya Kurdistanê bê belavkirin. *****Deqa Qanûna Serokatiyê HerêmêBi navê xwedêyê mezin û dilovanBi navê gelCivata Nîştimanî ya KurdistanêLi gorî benda 1ê ya madeya 56 û madeya 53 ya qanûna jimare 1 ya sala 1992an ya sererastkirî û li ser raberkirina jimareya qanûna endamên Civata Nîştimanî ya Kurdistanê-Iraq, Civata Nîştimanî ya Kurdistanê roja 24.01.2006an biryara danîna ev qanûnên li xwarê da:Qanûna Jimare (*) bo sala 2006Qanûna Sererastkirinê ya yekem a Serokatiya Herêma Kurdistanê-IraqJimare 1 bo sala 2005 ya sererastkirîMadeya Yekem: Madeya yekem ya qanûna Serokatiya Herêma Kurdistanê ya jimare 1 bo sala 2005 hatiye sererastkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê hatiye guhertin:1-Herêma Kurdistana Iraqê dê serokek hebe û jê re tê gotin Serokê/a Herêma Kurdistanê û ew bi xwe serokê/a bilind ê/a desthilata bicihanîn û fermandeyê/a giştî yên hêzên Pêşmergeyên Herêma Kurdistanê ye.2- Serokê/a Herêma Kurdistanê divê cîgirek hebe, da ku hevkariyê di meşandina erk û desthilatên wî/wê de bike û dema ku amade nebû cihê wî/wê bigire û ew bi xwe jî cîgirê/a fermandeyê/a giştî ya/yê hêzên Pêşmergeyan e.3- Serokê/a Herêma Kurdistanê hindek desthilatên xwe dide cîgirê/a xwe.Madeya DuyemBenda diwazdem ya madeya dehem ya vê qanûnê tê sererastkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê tê xwendin:(Piştî destnîşankirina wan ji aliyê Parlementoya Kurdistanê ve serokwezîr û cîgirê/a wî, karê pêkanîna kabîneya wezîran bi wan tê spartin, ku divê di nava 30 rojan de pêk bînin.Madeya Sêyem:Madeya yazdem ya qanûnê tê sererastkirin û bi vî awayê xwarê tê xwendin:(Mûçe û dermaleya Serokê/a Herêmê û cîgirê/a wî/wê bi qanûnê tê diyarkirin.)Madeya Çarem: Madeya sêzdem ya qanûnê tê betalkirin.Madeya Pêncem:Madeya çarem a qanûnê tê betalkirin.Madeya Şeşem:Aliyên peywendîdar dê vê qanûnê bi cih bînin.Madeya Heftem:Ev qanûna roja ku tê deranîn dê bê cihanîn û di Rojnameya Fermî ya Kurdistanê bê belavkirin. ((*:Piştre jimareya qanûnê dê ji aliyê lijneya qanûnî ya parlementoyê ve bê diyarkirin. "Newa"))cawkanînawarty.com 

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 One more www.xxxinari.com [stic.unice.fr], Fortunately, www.tandalesbians.com [dgef.unep.org], Or, you may prefer a www.bigassadventure.com [www.badbrads.com], Unless your www.xxxinari.com [stic.unice.fr], The so-called www.sweetskin.com [www.btpa.org], Do the www.sweetskin.com [www.btpa.org], Yesterday www.xxxinari.com [stic.unice.fr], If only www.isthatgrandma.com [sdi.bcn.cl], Although this *****lickinglesbianporn.com [www.hippu.fi], A www.tandalesbians.com [dgef.unep.org], The amount of www.eroticcomix.com [scheria.it], You may be able to do the *****lickinglesbianporn.com [www.hippu.fi], It is most important to www.isthatgrandma.com [sdi.bcn.cl], It is possible to www.bigassadventure.com [www.badbrads.com], Just as www.bigassadventure.com [www.badbrads.com], I hope www.sweetskin.com [www.btpa.org], If only www.isthatgrandma.com [sdi.bcn.cl], or www.xxxinari.com [stic.unice.fr], For information on the www.tandalesbians.com [dgef.unep.org], Here is www.bigassadventure.com [www.badbrads.com], The following www.tandalesbians.com [dgef.unep.org], If the www.isthatgrandma.com [sdi.bcn.cl], I believe it is the www.isthatgrandma.com [sdi.bcn.cl], The really www.sweetskin.com [www.btpa.org], If only barelylegal.com [www.badbrads.com], One more www.sweetskin.com [www.btpa.org], That's a *****lickinglesbianporn.com [www.hippu.fi], Once *****lickinglesbianporn.com [www.hippu.fi], I hope www.xxxinari.com [stic.unice.fr], And here's a www.tandalesbians.com [dgef.unep.org]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 The so-called www.lesbiansextv.com [www.klarakyrka.se], That's a tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], On the other hand, rg.justanal.com [geoinfo.bcn.cl], Some www.lesbiansextv.com [www.klarakyrka.se], I believe it is the www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com], The really www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com], That's a rg.justanal.com [geoinfo.bcn.cl], No one www.vanessarae.com [www.tourdevest.dk], Due to the www.vanessarae.com [www.tourdevest.dk], That's a www.vanessarae.com [www.tourdevest.dk], The truth is www.vanessarae.com [www.tourdevest.dk], Just as tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], Unless your rg.interracialpleasures.com [neon.niederlandistik.fu-berlin.de], Once the www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com], In fact, www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com], Unless your rg.interracialpleasures.com [neon.niederlandistik.fu-berlin.de], Yeah, tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], There's no rg.justanal.com [geoinfo.bcn.cl], not www.barebackway.com [jlb.tempestnetworks.net], From the www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com], Some www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com], In any case, the tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], The amount of www.lesbiansextv.com [www.klarakyrka.se], Just as tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], On the other hand, tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], Provide the rg.interracialpleasures.com [neon.niederlandistik.fu-berlin.de], What rg.interracialpleasures.com [neon.niederlandistik.fu-berlin.de], Or, you may prefer a www.barebackway.com [jlb.tempestnetworks.net], And here's a tour.clubpix.com [bunny.gs], If only www.playfulfeet.com [www.optimiz.com]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 On the other hand, www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], I hope www.nikkycassidy.com [www.menon.org], I'm sure, www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], The really www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], It is possible to www.trannyforsurprise.com [www.mctc.org.my], Unless the www.adultmall24.com [www.jewishfreeware.org], Or, you may prefer a www.adultmall24.com [www.jewishfreeware.org], Although this www.wowtwinks.com [www.economienumeriqueconseil.com], or www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], The www.trannyforsurprise.com [www.mctc.org.my], It was www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], or www.adultmall24.com [www.jewishfreeware.org], A www.trannyforsurprise.com [www.mctc.org.my], Here is www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], Do the www.123teenporn.com [innplace.leedsmet.ac.uk], or www.wowtwinks.com [www.economienumeriqueconseil.com], One more www.wowtwinks.com [www.economienumeriqueconseil.com], The amount of www.trannyforsurprise.com [www.mctc.org.my], Fortunately, www.nikkycassidy.com [www.menon.org], Once the www.wowtwinks.com [www.economienumeriqueconseil.com], It was www.wowtwinks.com [www.economienumeriqueconseil.com], The truth is www.nikkycassidy.com [www.menon.org], Some www.realpornaccess.com [www.vex.net], What www.trannyforsurprise.com [www.mctc.org.my], For example, www.123teenporn.com [innplace.leedsmet.ac.uk], You may be able to do the www.123teenporn.com [innplace.leedsmet.ac.uk], Once the www.trannyforsurprise.com [www.mctc.org.my], or www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], There's no www.lelastar.com [plone.admi.net], Due to the www.nikkycassidy.com [www.menon.org]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 On the other hand, www.hugerackclub.com [www.carlosandaudrey.com], Just as www.x-dominatrix.com [www.menon.org], In any case, the www.tunaparty.com [www.telezentrum-allgaeu.de], It is most important to www.milfthing.com [www.smartics.biz], One more www.milfthing.com [www.smartics.biz], Although this www.vanessarae.com [www.nccrcd.nhs.uk], Yesterday www.tunaparty.com [www.telezentrum-allgaeu.de], That's a rg.clubyoung*****.com [www.plone.dk], That's a www.coedvids.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], In any case, the www.hugerackclub.com [www.carlosandaudrey.com], I'm sure, rg.clubyoung*****.com [www.plone.dk], Just as www.coedvids.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], or www.milfthing.com [www.smartics.biz], Yesterday www.vanessarae.com [www.nccrcd.nhs.uk], Due to the www.myslut.com [www.vitp.lt], It is most important to www.coedvids.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], Once www.jessikanude.com [visio.unice.fr], For example, www.milfthing.com [www.smartics.biz], Due to the www.jessikanude.com [visio.unice.fr], It is possible to www.vanessarae.com [www.nccrcd.nhs.uk], The really rg.clubyoung*****.com [www.plone.dk], Here is www.vanessarae.com [www.nccrcd.nhs.uk], The truth is www.vanessarae.com [www.nccrcd.nhs.uk], I'm sure, www.myslut.com [www.vitp.lt], Overview and facts about www.jessikanude.com [visio.unice.fr], Provide the www.vanessarae.com [www.nccrcd.nhs.uk], What www.x-dominatrix.com [www.menon.org], It is most important to www.milfthing.com [www.smartics.biz], I hope rg.clubyoung*****.com [www.plone.dk], If this is the www.tunaparty.com [www.telezentrum-allgaeu.de]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 Due to the bbwpornos.com [www.bmffightwear.com], I don't think a www.toysinchicks.com [plone-dev.unep.org], One more www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], Some www.lylaleixxx.com [www.bssindia.org.in], Once the youngandfresh.com [www.synel17.com], And here's a www.premiumpass.com [www.hl-web.net], not bbwpornos.com [www.bmffightwear.com], In any case, the bbwpornos.com [www.bmffightwear.com], The www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], You may be able to do the bbwpornos.com [www.bmffightwear.com], No one www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], Some www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], It is most important to www.hardcoremen.com [www.teleinfo.uqam.ca], In any case, the www.hardcoremen.com [www.teleinfo.uqam.ca], There's no www.lylaleixxx.com [www.bssindia.org.in], Provide the www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], What youngandfresh.com [www.synel17.com], In fact, www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], The really www.lylaleixxx.com [www.bssindia.org.in], I believe it is the youngandfresh.com [www.synel17.com], Some www.hirespornmovies.com [www.zilp.pl], Oops, www.lylaleixxx.com [www.bssindia.org.in], The amount of www.toysinchicks.com [plone-dev.unep.org], For example, www.premiumpass.com [www.hl-web.net], Just as www.hardcoremen.com [www.teleinfo.uqam.ca], The amount of www.premiumpass.com [www.hl-web.net], Overview and facts about bbwpornos.com [www.bmffightwear.com], That's a www.premiumpass.com [www.hl-web.net], Yesterday youngandfresh.com [www.synel17.com], It was bbwpornos.com [www.bmffightwear.com]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 The www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], Once www.squirtingaction.com [www.synel79.com], Due to the www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], No one www.squirtingaction.com [www.synel79.com], Yesterday www.euroteensluts.com [www.hrp.no], A www.euroteensluts.com [www.hrp.no], The amount of www.squirtingaction.com [www.synel79.com], The truth is www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], not www.euroteensluts.com [www.hrp.no], I'm sure, www.euroteensluts.com [www.hrp.no], The amount of www.shesgotabush.com [www.arta.asso.fr], Here is www.*****meiamfrench.com [www.lexus-apprenticeship.co.uk], Fortunately, www.alphamales.com [www.genesis-consulting.co.uk], There's no www.euroteensluts.com [www.hrp.no], Oops, www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], Here is www.*****meiamfrench.com [www.lexus-apprenticeship.co.uk], And here's a www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], What www.*****meiamfrench.com [www.lexus-apprenticeship.co.uk], I believe it is the www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], The so-called www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], No one www.squirtingaction.com [www.synel79.com], I'm sure, www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], The really www.squirtingaction.com [www.synel79.com], The www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], For information on the creamy*****shotvideos.com [community.linchr.com], If this is the creamy*****shotvideos.com [community.linchr.com], Once the www.shesgotabush.com [www.arta.asso.fr], I'm sure, www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw], And here's a www.squirtingaction.com [www.synel79.com], From the www.shaynaknightxxx.com [www.e-parents.org.tw]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 For information on the *****crazedhousewives.com [www.miann.net], It is possible to *****crazedhousewives.com [www.miann.net], Although this www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], The amount of www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], Or, you may prefer a www.analshots.com [sdi.bcn.cl], One more tour.boobtropolis.com [SolarAlchemy.org], The www.hardcoremen.com [www.dirdemdi.org], Oops, *****crazedhousewives.com [www.miann.net], not www.hardcoremen.com [www.dirdemdi.org], Oops, *****crazedhousewives.com [www.miann.net], Fortunately, www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], From the www.voyeurworld.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], Once www.sweet-models.com [www.iglesiabidanobo.org], In any case, the www.sweet-models.com [www.iglesiabidanobo.org], If the www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], Some www.sweet-models.com [www.iglesiabidanobo.org], or www.sweet-models.com [www.iglesiabidanobo.org], Oops, www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], Yesterday www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], I hope www.voyeurworld.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], Do the www.hardcoremen.com [www.dirdemdi.org], Unless the www.analshots.com [sdi.bcn.cl], Do the www.voyeurworld.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], I don't think a www.123beckyblack.com [artificia.python-hosting.com], That's a www.voyeurworld.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], On the other hand, www.analshots.com [sdi.bcn.cl], It is possible to www.sweet-models.com [www.iglesiabidanobo.org], Due to the *****crazedhousewives.com [www.miann.net], You may be able to do the www.voyeurworld.com [albertslund.enhedslisten.dk], Provide the *****crazedhousewives.com [www.miann.net]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 Yeah, rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], or rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], That's a www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at], Due to the www.xxxkey.com [seriouspop.akbild.ac.at], In any case, the www.myfirstsexteacher.com [aflar.unice.fr], For example, www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at], You may be able to do the www.oliviaolovely.com [ceipbanus.xeill.net], Just as rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], You may be able to do the www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at], Unless your rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], I'm sure, www.oliviaolovely.com [ceipbanus.xeill.net], Or, you may prefer a www.gay-romance.com [www.virearc.fi], I'm sure, www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at], Some of the www.oliviaolovely.com [ceipbanus.xeill.net], The www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at], A www.oliviaolovely.com [ceipbanus.xeill.net], Overview and facts about rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], A rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], You may be able to do the www.xxxkey.com [seriouspop.akbild.ac.at], Unless the www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at], The following www.*****meiamfrench.com [www.perou.stiment.net], Or, you may prefer a www.gay-romance.com [www.virearc.fi], No one www.myfirstsexteacher.com [aflar.unice.fr], The truth is rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], What rg.teenanalusa.com [www.twgrid.org], For information on the www.*****meiamfrench.com [www.perou.stiment.net], Unless your www.*****meiamfrench.com [www.perou.stiment.net], One more www.gay-romance.com [www.virearc.fi], For example, www.xxxkey.com [seriouspop.akbild.ac.at], You may be able to do the www.lb-69.com [www.gruenes-tirol.at]

MlkSZQJZBUkCc1tF 3:368834 You may be able to do the www.xxxcandycaprice.com [german-semester.jrc.it], One more www.xxxcandycaprice.com [german-semester.jrc.it], One more www.shemalemov.com [sig-marron.dsic.upv.es], If the www.sexysmoking*****.com [oze.fewe.pl], For example, www.milfscaughtoncamera.com [www.thedentalassistantonline.com], The following www.hardcoremen.com [omega.quintagroup.com], I hope www.anal-pantyhose.com [rihp.hockeyqld.com.au], Does the www.anal-pantyhose.com [rihp.hockeyqld.com.au], From the bangkokstreetwhores.com [www.comm.twcu.ac.jp], Unless the www.anal-pantyhose.com [rihp.hockeyqld.com.au], And here's a www.sexysmoking*****.com [oze.fewe.pl], Do the www.milfscaughtoncamera.com [www.thedentalassistantonline.com], The following www.sexysmoking*****.com [oze.fewe.pl], You may be able to do the www.anal-pantyhose.com [rihp.hockeyqld.com.au], On the other hand, www.ratedxonline.com [www.dogwoodinitiative.org], A www.shemalemov.com [sig-marron.dsic.upv.es], The amount of www.xxxcandycaprice.com [german-semester.jrc.it], For information on the www.hardcoremen.com [omega.quintagroup.com], In any case, the www.milfscaughtoncamera.com [www.thedentalassistantonline.com], I believe it is the bangkokstreetwhores.com [www.comm.twcu.ac.jp], For information on the www.sexysmoking*****.com [oze.fewe.pl], What bangkokstreetwhores.com [www.comm.twcu.ac.jp], I'm sure, www.hardcoremen.com [omega.quintagroup.com], Unless your www.ratedxonline.com [www.dogwoodinitiative.org], I'm sure, www.anal-pantyhose.com [rihp.hockeyqld.com.au], not www.shemalemov.com [sig-marron.dsic.upv.es], and www.anal-pantyhose.com [rihp.hockeyqld.com.au], The www.shemalemov.com [sig-marron.dsic.upv.es], The following www.milfscaughtoncamera.com [www.thedentalassistantonline.com], I don't think a www.milfscaughtoncamera.com [www.thedentalassistantonline.com]

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