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Submitted by Anonymous (nicht überprüft) on 13 September 2009


Ph.G. Kreyenbroek in collaboration with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh.J. Rashow.
[i]Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion.[/i]
Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge Band 5.
Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden, 2009, 252 p.
ISBN: 978-3-447-06060-8.

Kitêba nû li ser êzdiyatiyê de bi navê „Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion“ derketiye. Kitêb ji aliyê Prof. Dr. Kreyenbroek bi hevkariya Z. Kartal, Dr. X. Omerxalî û Dr. X.C. Raşo ve hatiye nivîsandin. Ev kitêba nû netîceya proyêkta ulmî ye, bi navê [i]«Kulturelles Gedächtnis der Yezidi-Gemeinschaft in Deutschland hinsichtlich religiöser Fragen»[/i], ku bi piştgirtiya Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ve li zanîngeha Göttingenê de hatiye qetandin.

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