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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 23 December 2009

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orda ingilzice bir makale ve en sonunda US disisleri bakanina gonderilebilecek bir cagri linki var. ondan sonrasi da size kalmis.

Bu inisiyatifi alan grup almanya dan oldugu icin muhtemelen bu tekstin almancasi da vardir-almanca bilen kurd sayisi cok. zinciri buyutursek corbaya ufakta olsa bir parca baharat bizde atmis oluruz. welt in kurdlere devlet olsun mu olmasin mi anketinden daha somut bir cabadir, fazla beklenti yaratmadan ucundan boyle inisiyatiflere destek olmak faydali olabilir. hurmetler

The USA must speak out for the solution of the "Kirkuk Question“!

23. Dezember 2009

The people of the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk are living in great fear. Relations between the Kurdish majority and the Arabs who were settled there under the rule of Saddam Hussein are threatening to escalate.

It is especially terror-groups like Al-Quaida which would profit from a new bloody war between the ethnic groups. The residents of the Kurdish Yezidi, Christian and Shabak villages in the neighbouring province of Nineveh fear attacks from Arab Islamist terror-groups and fear for their lives.

Terror-groups like Al-Quaida and also some of Iraq's neighbours have an immediate interest in a destabilisation of Iraq. Their aim is to set up a totalitarian Islamist state in southern and central Iraq. The ones to suffer most would be the small nations and religious communities like the Christian Assyrian Chaldaic Aramaeans, the Yezidi and the Shabak.

It is only the USA and its western allies, which since 2003 have had a strong military, political and economic presence in the country, which are still able to defuse the conflict created by Saddam Hussein over Kirkuk. At the end of the 1960s the dictator drove out hundreds of thousands of Kurds, Turkmens and Christians from the region and replaced them with Arab settlers from southern and central Iraq. Most of the Kurds who were driven out have now returned. They are hoping for an annexation to the autonomous federal province of Iraqi Kurdistan. But the Arabs brought in by Saddam Hussein, who are now in the minority, feel themselves as belonging to Baghdad and are against the annexation.

The Iraqi government has up to now avoided the Kirkuk conflict although according to Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution it is supposed to remove all traces of the "suppression policies carried out“ by the tyrant and to take appropriate measures of compensation such as carrying out a referendum on the future of the Kirkuk region.

Voting must also take place in the provinces of Nineveh (Mosul) and in the province of Diala, the districts with a predominantly Kurdish-Moslem, Kurdish-Yezidi and Christian population on a possible annexation to Kurdistan, the safest and quietest region of Iraq.

The solution of the "Kirkuk conflict“ is decisive for the political stability of Iraq. Terror-groups like Al-Quaida must not be allowed to set up a new reign of fear. For this reason the USA must not withdraw its troops before making sure that the "Kirkuk Question“ is solved. Christians, Yezidi, Shabak and Turkmens must be given support to enable them to administer themselves and to tend to their culture and language.

The USA must continue to accompany the process of democratisation and to bring the Iraqi government to take appropriate measures to solve the "Kirkuk Question“.

Please support our appeal to the US Foreign Minister Hillary Clinton to press for the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution!


D-37073 Göttingen - Fax: +49/551/58028 - Tel: +49/551/49906-0 -

نەناسراو (not verified)

Wed, 12/23/2009 - 20:42

gider ayak tehdit altindaki halklari koruma orgutu ve bu orgutun sahsinda Tilman Zulch hakkinda birkac belirtme yapmam istiyorum kurtlerin iyiki boyle dostlari var. katiksiz ve onurlu duruslariyla. kac dostu kaldiki boyle. gerci kurt sorununu insan haklari boyutunda yaklasip o boyutta birseyler dillendiren parti, sahis ve orgutler vardi. onlarda kalmadi. tilman zulch'i ise 97/98 de bir bize verdigi bir seminer sayesinde tanisma imkanim oldu. halepce katliyami ardinda iki alman firmasi olan Pilot Pland ve Karl Kolb irakin kimyasal gaz yapimindaki yardimlari konusunda kamuoyu olusturmaya buyuk caba gosterdiler ama alman mahkemelerin bu iddalari tekrarlamalari durumunda iki kere 500.000 DM mahkum edildi. pkk'yi ise hic birzaman kurt ulusal kurtulusu veren bir orgut olarak gormediler. kucuk bati kurdistanin (suriye) kurtlerinin kurt olmaktan dolayi vatandasliklari bile yokken apo samda gobek buyuturken GfbV ozellikle bu parcadaki halkimizin haklari icin ugrasiyordu. madem kerkuk konusunda bir insiyatif uslenmisler ben durustlukleri konusunda kefilim bu orgute kucuk bagislari kendinizden esirgemeyin

Anonymous (not verified)

Wed, 12/23/2009 - 21:09

( Not: karsiniza ilk önce ingilizce metin cikacak! metnin en altinda söyle bir yazi var ona tiklarsaniz karsiniza hem mesaj cekebilirsiniz hemde almanca metin cikar: (Email-appeal) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerin, die Bevölkerung der irakischen Provinz Kirkuk lebt in großer Angst. Das seit Monaten angespannte Verhältnis zwischen der kurdischen Mehrheitsbevölkerung und den unter Saddam Hussein dort angesiedelten Arabern droht zu eskalieren. Die kurdische Mehrheit der Provinz wünscht sich im Gegensatz zu der arabischen Bevölkerung einen Anschluss an den sicheren und friedlichen irakischen Bundesstaat Kurdistan. Der Konflikt könnte einen neuen blutigen Krieg zwischen den Volksgruppen auslösen, von dem insbesondere Terrorgruppen wie Al-Qaida profitieren würden. Damit würde die gesamte Region politisch destabilisiert werden. Deshalb darf die US-Regierung die "Kirkuk-Frage" nicht ungelöst den Irakern überlassen. Bitte setzten Sie sich dafür ein, dass Föderalismus, Selbstverwaltung und Demokratie für alle Bürger des Irak Wirklichkeit wird! Bitte setzten Sie sich für die Umsetzung des Artikels 140 der irakischen Verfassung ein! Bitte schützen Sie außerdem den irakischen Bundesstaat Kurdistan dauerhaft! Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerin, die Bevölkerung der irakischen Provinz Kirkuk lebt in großer Angst. Das seit Monaten angespannte Verhältnis zwischen der kurdischen Mehrheitsbevölkerung und den unter Saddam Hussein dort angesiedelten Arabern droht zu eskalieren. Die kurdische Mehrheit der Provinz wünscht sich im Gegensatz zu der arabischen Bevölkerung einen Anschluss an den sicheren und friedlichen irakischen Bundesstaat Kurdistan. Der Konflikt könnte einen neuen blutigen Krieg zwischen den Volksgruppen auslösen, von dem insbesondere Terrorgruppen wie Al-Qaida profitieren würden. Damit würde die gesamte Region politisch destabilisiert werden. Deshalb darf die US-Regierung die "Kirkuk-Frage" nicht ungelöst den Irakern überlassen. Bitte setzten Sie sich dafür ein, dass Föderalismus, Selbstverwaltung und Demokratie für alle Bürger des Irak Wirklichkeit wird! Bitte setzten Sie sich für die Umsetzung des Artikels 140 der irakischen Verfassung ein! Bitte schützen Sie außerdem den irakischen Bundesstaat Kurdistan dauerhaft! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Sayin cok degerli bakanim Irak Kerkük bölgesinde yasayan halk büyük bir korku icerisinde yasamaktadir.Bir kac aydan beri Kürt cogunluk ile Saddam Hüseyin tarafindan bölgeye yerlestirilmis Araplar arasindaki gergin tutum baski yi tirmandirmaktadir. Bölgedeki Kürt cogunluk bölgedeki Arap halkinin aksine Irak federe devleti icin güvenlik ve barisi istemektedir. BU Uyusmazlik iki bölge halki arasinda yeni bir kanli savasa neden olabilir,baslatabilir.Bilhassa terör gruplari El kaide gibi kullanilmak istenebilir.Böylelikle bölgedeki istikrar ve baris ortami politik denge bozulacaktir.Bu nedenle Amerikan yönetimi Kerkük meselesini cözmeden Iraktan ayrilmamalidir.Lütfen Federalizmin,kendi kendini yönetme ilkesinin,demokrasinin tüm Irak vatandaslari icin gerceklesmesini destekleyiniz.Irak Anayasasini 140 maddesini destekleyiniz. Ayrica lütfen Irak Federe Kürt Devletini koruyunuz. Dostca selamlarimizla

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