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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 13 September 2008

diyor gazete ve amerikan generalinin agzindan kurdlerin kendilerine ait olmayan bazi yerlere güc kaydirip bayraklarini dalgalandirdiklarini söylüyor,
" Quickly moving into those areas to try and change the population and flying KRG flags in areas that are specifically not under the KRG control right now--that is counterproductive and increases tensions" said Maj.Gen. Mark P.Hertling commader of U.S. forces in northen Iraq,refering to the KRG which administers the autonomaus region.

dewamda arab ve kurd yetkililerin birbirine zit görüslerine yer veren makale cok ilginc..

Ingilizcem kit oldugu icin tercüme edemiyorum,bilenler varsa okusalar iyi olur.

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