Mîr muzîk, sitiranbêjên ku dê biçine şahiya şeva sersalê ya KurdFM asteng kirin. Sitiranbêj Dîno, Beytocan û Sîmar ji aliyê Mîr muzîkê ve hatine astengkirin.
The Kurdistan Region is a safe and stable area. It could be argued that it is the only region in Iraq which does not suffer from problems of security or stability.
Wikileaks: Mossad Chief advised US to exploit Iranian weak spots | AKnews
Erbil, Nov. 30 (AKnews) – In one of the secret cables released by the Wikileaks and published on Britian’s Guardian website,Israel’s spy chief Meir Dagan advised the U.S.
Rûdaw.net - Wezareta Tendirûstî ya Hikûmeta Herêma Kurdistanê encamên wê rapirsiyê eşkere kirin ku di meha Temîza îsal de li ser sinetkirina jinan hatibû kirin.