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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 12 June 2010

Bu haber Haarozt adli israil gaztesinden
israilli ogrencilerin plani hayata gcemedi.
sebei herhalde girisimin kisa dusmesi degil- israil devleti istese bu girisimi
gayet rahat ekonomik olarak desteklerdi.

asagidaki haberin gectigi ulkede olan bitenlerden bi haber olundugu dusunulemez.
ancak Isaril en zor anlarda bile tercihini Turkiye yi kurd konusunda sikistirMAmak yolunda yapiyor. kapali kapilar radindan destek filan... kurdlerin su gun icin net bir bicimde ACIK-legitim_MESRU destege ihtiyaci var. aksi hale gerek yeteneksi kurd orgutlerinin gerek manuplatif gizli servislerin kapali kapilar ardindan yapilan (farazi olma ihtimali de yuksek) yardimlarla bizim durumuzu bir yerden bir yere gelisemez. ACIK TOPLUM insasi eninde sonunda kurdlerin isine (bizim gibi civil kurdlerin) yarayacaktir. ben kendi hesabima kurd siyasi cambazlarindan da biktim usandim. onlara da guvendigim soylenemez. bu acidan isaril ves ile goya kapali kapilar ardinda bir takim ilisiker-varsa bile- benim cikarima degil. bu mesele de bu bicimde tartisilmasi lazim. amatorce mi evet biz zaten amatoruz ve amatorler icin istiyoruz ACIK TOPLUMU.

buyrun israilli ogrencilerin planini okuyun.
aslinda TC yi desifre edecek rezil edecek guzel bir plan ama israil oteki yolu tercih etti. nicin?

Israeli students plan own flotilla to meet next Gaza convoy at sea
Student Union chairman says 400 yacht owners interested in initiative to sail to northern Turkey or Cyprus.

By Yossi Melman, Asaf Shtull-Trauring and Jack Khoury
Tags: Israel news Gaza flotilla
Israel's National Student Union is planning a flotilla with hundreds of yachts from Israel to meet at sea any new humanitarian aid flotillas heading toward the Gaza Strip.

According to Boaz Toporovsky, the union's chairman, 400 yacht owners have expressed interest in the initiative, which is expected to start up in two weeks.

"Our wish is to talk with the members of the flotilla, to see if they want to talk to us, and to ask them why the problems of Israel, in Gaza and Palestine, are disturbing them," Toporovsky told Haaretz last night.

"We would ask why they are not talking about the Kurdish minority or the Armenians that were murdered or many other problems? We want to expose the truth, this hypocrisy and the absurdity."

Even though there are reports from Turkey, Iran and European activists that ideas exist for another flotilla to Gaza, it appears there are no concrete plans to break the blockade in the coming two weeks.

The Free Gaza movement has begun another round of fundraising for an aid flotilla, and there is talk that a three-ship mission will be organized.

Meanwhile, the student union and a nongovernmental organization of former navy personnel are trying to raise funds for leasing a ship that will travel to Turkey to protest in favor of the Kurds.

Toporovsky says that "we thought of an idea of sailing to Turkey or to the northern part of Cyprus, or to southern Turkey, where there is a concentration of Kurds."

Anonymous (not verified)

Sat, 06/12/2010 - 19:02

muhterem hek bernard levi gibi filozoflari devreye sokmak lazim, onun gibiler tirk planlarini yavas yavas anlayanlar var, etkileri olan kesimler tirk tipi irkciligi-apartheid konularinda yeterli bilgilerinin oldugunu sanmiyorum aslinda sizin gibi etkili kurt entelektuelerinin bu tur seylere zaman harcamalari daha iyi olur dikatimi ceken bu sitede yazan cok kurdistan meselesine engaje olmus insan var, ama butun guc ve zamanlarini pkk ve apoya harcamaktadirlar, onun yerine bernard leviler gibilerle iliski kurup arguman, kaynak sunmalari daha verimli olurdu

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