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Government and opposition | Bedran Ahmad Habeeb

The Kurdish opposition is made of three parties, three factions. First there is the left wing Gorran Movement which split from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

19 Ara 2011
Hewî-Jinên ciwan û koleyên mêrên kal

Silopya:Hevkara "Navenda Piştgiriya Jinan-Viyan" a li Silopiyê, Sosyolog Gul Berkî derbarê lêkolîna li ser zewacên duyemîn û jinên ku wek hewî ji Rojava û ji Başûrê Kurdistanê tên

19 Ara 2011
‘Vê heftiyê encamên lêkolîna bûyerên Behdînan tê eşkerekirin’

Hewlêr: Di nava vê heftiyê de encamên lêkolîna bûyerên ku despêka mehê li herêma Behdînan rûdayîn tê eşkerekirin.

19 Ara 2011
Young boy killed for requesting a song in Kurdish

zazacasarkiIZMIR, Turkey, 19.12.2011 - A young boy Gazi Akbayir from the city of Dersim, who asked for a song in Kurdish, was stabbed and then shot dead by a group of Turkish men.

19 Ara 2011
Fethullah Gülen Versus Said Kurdi (Said Nursi): Whose original Idea was It to slowly change the World system?

By Aland Mizell – KURDISH MEDIA – Today Turkey and even the West and East are talking about the Gülen movement from its Interfaith Dialogue, Rumi Forum, and Turkish Cultural Centers to the Alliance

19 Ara 2011
Kurdish Lobbyists versus Turkish Muslim Missionaries Lobbyists in the USA – By Dr.Aland Mizell

19 Ara 2011


19 Ara 2011
Unterdrückung der Kurden in der Türkei - Angst nach Verhaftungswelle - Die Repression der kurdischen Minderheit in der Türkei steuert auf einen neuen Höhepunkt zu. Am Wochenende wurden fast 100 Menschen festgenommen.

30 Kas 2011
Netzsperren: Türkei dehnt Zensur des Internets aus

Seit Jahren sperren türkische Richter unbequeme Domains. Nun hat die Regierung im Netz 138 "schädliche" Wörter verboten. Ohne gesetzliche Grundlage, wie Provider glauben.

28 Kas 2011
Akdag: Lêborîna Erdogan bo Dêrsimê têrê nake

Enqere, 25 Mijdar (AKnews) – Serokê komela Dêrsimiyan a Enqereyê Bulent Akadag, got, lêborîna serokwezîrê Tirkiyê Recep Tayyip Erdogan ji ber komkujiya Dêrismê, erênî lê kêm e.

27 Kas 2011