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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 10 January 2009

[center][b]Ji “Artîstên ji bo Aştiyê“ temayek giring: “Şikence“[/b]


Artister för Fred -Artîstên piştgir ji bo Aşitiyê di gel ABF ê, li Stockholmê şevek e giring organîze dikin. Tema şevê, îşkence ye.

Şev di 13 mehê saet 19.00 dest pê dike û hetanî saet 21.00 ê didome. Programa şevê wisa ye:

- Ji zanîngeha Uppslayê Profesor Mattias Gardell, pirsa îşkencê ji awira demokrasiyê ve dinirxîne.

- Artîstê Kurd yê navdar Kemal Görgü li ser rewşa Kurdan kur dibe.

- Şaredarê berê yê Amedê Mêhdî Zana li ser metodên îşkencekirinê radiweste û dê bi nimuneyên piralî zaniyariyê bide.

- Dengbêja hêja Sofia Nilsson jî bi stiranên xwe dê reng bide şevê.

Şev ji aliyê serokê komela Artîstan Olof Buckard ve tê rêvebirin û raya giştî re vekirî ye.

Navnîşana cihê şevê ev e: ABF Huset, Sveavîgen 41 RÃ¥dmansgatan – Stockholm.

Komeleya Artîstên piştgir ji bo Aştiyê di 1982 an de ava bû û beşek ji hereketa aştiyê ya navnetewî ye. Komele li dijî şer û hişkî û dîskîrîmînekirina mirovan e. Li ser bingeha mafê mirovan yên bingehîn ku ji aliyê Yekîtiya Miletan ve hatiye pejirandin xebata xwe dike û hewil dide ku çanda aştiyê belav bike. Bi alîkariya stiran, helbest, wêne, peyv û dîlanên endaman dixwaze zaniyariyê belav bike û bighêje armanca xwe.

Têkilî: , och [email protected]

Zarathustra News – [email protected]


EuroKurd Human Rights - EHR

EuroKurd Human Rights dezgehek însanî ye û li ser pirsa mafê mirovan li Kurdistanê dixebite. Dezgeh bi çi hêz û îdeolojiyan ve ne girêdayî ye, ji awira aborî ve serbixwe ye. Xebata xwe li ser bingeha rojnamevaniya lêkolînî pêk dihêne û pirsa mafê mirovan li ser esasê qanûn û peymanên navnetewî dişopîne.

EuroKurd rapor û nûçeyên li ser pirsê berhev dike û yên giring werdigerîne kurdî. Paşê ji bo ronîkirina raya giştî bi rêya malpera xwe belav dike.

EuroKurd bi dezgehên navnetewî /netewî yên însanî re têkiliyan datîne.

Zarathustra News ji bo berhevkirina nûçeyên li ser pirsê, di xizmeta EuroKurd Human Rights ê de ye. li ser bingeha armancên EuroKurd ê weşana xwe dike. Naveroka malperê giraniya xwe li ser pirsên mafê mirovan li Kurdistanê û ewlekariyê ye.

Bi silavên dostanî û biratiyê
[b]EuroKurd Human Rights[/b]

[b]EuroKurd Human Rights - EHR [/b]

- January 2009, nr 10
- A theme night: Torture

E-mail: [email protected]

A theme night from the "Artists for Peace":

"Artists for Peace" is organizing a theme night in Stockholm. Associated persons will analyze the issue of torture from various sides. Theme nights are collaboration with ABF is that with the organizers.

- Mattias Gardell, professor of religious history at Uppsala University tells of torture in the name of democracy.
- Kemal Görgü, American Kurdish actress introduces the Kurdish situation.
- Mehdi Zana former Amed Mayor / Northern Kurdistan, testifies to their own experiences of gruesome torture methods in Diyarbakir prison.
- Olof Buckard, chairman of Artists for Peace are involved as a speaker...

Sofia Nilsson singing their own songs ...

Place and date
ABF-house Sveavägen 41, Subway Rådmansgatan. Tuesday 13 / 1 at 19.00-21.00 in Sandler's Hall.

Artists for Peace
Artists for Peace is a non-profit Swedish member association was formed in 1982 and is part of the international multidimensional peace operations.
Artists for Peace is opposed to all wars, violence, discrimination, exclusion and wants with the help of the UNCRC and the UN Declaration on Human Rights calling on all to cooperate on the basis of a common culture of peace.

The aim is to spread peace message forward and inspire others to take their own responsibility to a common culture of peace enforced. Using members' poems, songs, dances, pictures and words, they want to spread knowledge about caring for life and build up good scores for a better and more peaceful world.

Contact, and [email protected]

[b]Zarathustra News[/b] – [email protected]


EuroKurd Human Rights - EHR

EuroKurd Human Rights is a non-profit organization working for human rights in Kurdistan. The organization is free from all political ideologies and economic interests.
The work is based on journalistic research work on the violation of these rights and international conventions governing rights.

EuroKurd collect and translate important texts for Kurdish to spread awareness among the public on its website.
EuroKurd establish contacts with organisations who cooperate with human rights.
Zarathustra News is Eurokurds news service. Zarathustra News is known for his research journalism, and good contacts with the Kurdish media, organisations and personalities. is a Web site and was used for EuroKurds purposes. Site content consists of news and analyses on human rights, and security issues in Kurdistan.

We look forward to continued good cooperation with you.


[b]EuroKurd Human Rights[/b]


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