[b]22 Years Ago Today, When Humans Ran Out Of Humanity![/b]
We shall not forget it, we shall remember it, we shall remind them about it.
Even if it's only once a year, still some deserving faces should be made to feel the disgrace. Who supplied the weapons, who failed to start the procedures to try the perpetrators for the crimes against humanity? Who tried to cover the traces? What was all that for? Why was that the world could agree on nothing, argue, fight about everything, but still without exception they could all agree on closing their eyes to the Kurdish genocide, be it white or be it red; why could they agree on leaving Kurdistan outside the borders of humanity?
We shall not forget it, we shall remember it!
We shall remind them about it!
[b]22 Sal Berê Îro, Mirov ji Mirovbûnê Dest Kişand![/b]
Em ji bîr nekin, bi bîr bînin, bidin bibîranîn.
Salê carekê be jî bila hinek rûyên misteheq reş bibin. Kê çek dayê, kê rê dayê, kê kanalên hesabpirsînê yên sûcên li dijî mirovahîyê venekirin? Kê şop vedişartin?
Ev gişt ji bo çibûn, çima ev dinyaya ku li ser her tiştî pev diket, pev diçû, nikanîbû li hev bikira, tenê kanîbû çi sor çi sipî, li ser qirkirina Kurdan li hev bikira, çav jê re bigirta, Kurdistan li dervê sînorên mirovbûnê bihişta?
Em ji bîr nekin, bi bîr bînin, bidin bibîranîn!
Re:Richard Beeston:Halabja the massacre the West tried to ignore